Leaked Email Reveals State Farm’s Move to Indoctrinate Florida Kindergartners in Woke Gender Ideology

An explosive leaked email obtained by Consumers’ Research reveals State Farm is urging its Florida insurance agents to donate radical books that indoctrinate children as young as age 5 in gender ideology.

The redacted email memo, dated January 18 and sent from Jose Soto, State Farm Corporate Responsibility Analyst, specifically requests local State Farm agents to receive books promoted by the the GenderCool Project, titled A Kids Book About Being Transgender and A Kids Book About Being Non-Binary, and donate them to classrooms, community centers, and libraries to enable kindergartners to have access to these books.

Soto sent the email two months in advance of the signing into law of Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill by Governor Ron DeSantis’ (R). The new law bars classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through 3rd grade, and prohibits instruction that is not age-appropriate for students.

Will Hild, executive director of Consumers’ First, called the move by State Farm a “gross and blatant attempt to indoctrinate our children.”

To call greater attention to State Farm’s transgender activism, Consumers’ Research has launched a new website titled “Like a Creepy Neighbor” and an accompanying national ad.

“Why would an insurance agency like State Farm, a company founded on family values that touts being a good neighbor when you need it, try to encourage 5-year-old children to question their gender?” Hild asked.

“To make matters worse, by targeting classrooms, State Farm is intentionally circumventing parents,” he noted.

“State Farm is partnering with The GenderCool Project to help diversify classroom, community center and library bookshelves with a collection of books to help bring clarity and understanding to the national conversation about Being Transgender, Inclusive and Non-Binary,” wrote Soto, who states in his signature his pronouns are “(he/him/his),” in the leaked email.

“Agents are key to the success of this program,” he asserted, adding:

Nationwide, approximately 550 State Farm agents and employees will have the opportunity to donate this 3-book bundle to their local teacher, community center or library of their choice.

Soto continued he is “seeking six agents in Florida that would be interested in participating in this unique project, by receiving these books in March, then donating them to their community by the end of April.”

“Along with donating the books, we would encourage the agent to highlight our commitment to diversity on their social media pages,” the memo continued. “This is a fantastic way to give back and an easy project that will help support the LGBTQ+ community and to make the world around us better.”

“This opportunity is available to the first 6 agents that respond,” Soto noted.



The GenderCool Project self-describes on its website as “a youth-led movement bringing positive change to the world.”

“The Champions are helping replace misinformed opinions with positive experiences meeting transgender and non-binary youth who are thriving,” the site states, adding:

GenderCool is an inspiring disrupter. We are breaking through to millions of people who say they’ve never met a transgender or non-binary person. They feel conflicted about what they read, see and hear.

“We are the next generation of CEOs, filmmakers, doctors, teachers, tech leaders, journalists, athletes,” GenderCool says.

In addition to State Farm, GenderCool includes among its “partners and supporters” Dell, Intuit, Nike, NBC Universal, Adobe, General Mills, CapitalOne, Intel, Indeed, Hewlett Packard, VMWare, Bank of America, Sprout Social, Bayer, Out & Equal, Oracle, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Prudential, Coldwell Banker Richard Ellis, Abbvie, JLL Partners, and Allstate.

“If companies are going to put woke politics above their consumer, consider them warned,” Hild asserted. “Telling Americans how to behave and using kindergartners as pawns in a political game is disgusting. Consumers’ Research will not stop until companies start focusing on their customers, and stop pushing radical political agendas.”

Consumers’ Research announced its new awareness campaign in conjunction with the release of the explosive leaked email. The seven-figure campaign, which rebukes State Farm for its woke corporate practices, includes the national ad, mobile billboards, the new website, and targeted digital efforts, a press release stated.

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Susan Berry, PhD, is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Kindergarten Child” by tunaolger. Background Photo “State Farm” by State Farm. CC BY 2.0.

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One Thought to “Leaked Email Reveals State Farm’s Move to Indoctrinate Florida Kindergartners in Woke Gender Ideology”

  1. Truthy McTruthFace

    stick to insurance, stupids
